Just Retire (Retirement Calc)

by Tiancius



Just Retire is a retirement calculator and planner. Simply input some basic information, and Just Retire will generate your expected balance at retirement, your expected retirement income, as well as a robust table that tells you how much to contribute each month, your expected retirement fund balance each year, and what inflation will do to your plan.Just Retire supports:-Saving and loading profiles so you only ever have to input your info once.-Accounting for current savings-Accounting for contribution growth over time-Accounting for interest-Accounting for inflation-Accounting for supplementary income like Social Security benefits or financial assistance from family members-Accounting for tax (ex. put 0% if you have a Roth IRA account)-Accounting for a legacy you want to leave behind-Tracking principle contributions vs. interest earned-Sensitivity analysis by tweaking inputs on the fly and seeing how fluctuations in expectations will effect your futureThis app, like all glaukon apps, has been designed with aesthetics and usability in mind. To that end, it comes with 10 beautiful backgrounds, a clean and intuitive interface, a built-in calculator, and plenty of information about the various financial concepts retirement planning deals with. And of course, it comes with an obligatory quote generator. Its what I do.Images from various users at http://www.sxc.huQuotes from: http://www.quotegarden.com/retirement.htmland http://inspirelifeq.blogspot.com/2011/03/retirement-quotes.html